Updates in PeopleBooks

PeopleBooks Updates Sorted by Module (CC – Campus Community, SF – Student Financials, SR – Student Records)

PeopleBooks Updates Sorted by Bundle Number

The above links are to pages that list key information about changes in Oracle PeopleSoft PeopleBooks related to Bundles 24 to 34.

As indicated, the first link contains a listing of items related to the three modules used at Wesleyan:

  • Campus Community (CC)
  • Student Financials (SF)
  • Student Records (SR)

The second link contains the same items sorted by the Bundle number and then the module.

  • Included are the Module identifier, the Bundle number and the brief overview text.
  • Below is a sample of what you’ll see at the top of a typical page:

image of PeopleBooks updates for bundles


To see the annotated, detailed PeopleBooks pages, navigate to the Oracle Changes in PeopleBooks page.

PeopleBooks:  The extensive help documentation created by Oracle that explains Campus Solutions concepts, administration, and use. PeopleBooks is available from any page of Campus Solutions by clicking the Help link.

Modules:  The applications that comprise Campus Solutions.  Examples include Student Records and Campus Community.