Oracle CS Changes in PeopleBooks

Bundle Changes – Campus Solutions – in PeopleBooks in Detail

The above link is to a WesFiles folder containing detailed PDF portfolios displaying PeopleBooks areas affected by Bundles.  Each PDF portfolio contains a number of PDF documents.  The first document is a summary of the Bundle changes, and the other documents are the detailed PeopleBooks pages containing the highlighted Bundle changes.  (To see a listing of the summary subjects, navigate to the Updates in PeopleBooks page.)


**TIP to view the PDF documents**

  • Depending upon your browser, the PDF Portfolio may open directly from the link. 
  • But, if it does not, follow these instructions:
    1. Click on the link for the desired PDF Portfolio file.
    2. Save the PDF Portfolio to your directory.  
    3. Right-click on the file name and select Open with from the menu
    4. Choose Adobe Acrobat Reader (it may end with DC or X)
    5. The menus should be similar to this:

image of Open With Adobe Acrobat Reader